Perfect Pixel Art for Game Developers June 13
Perfect Pixel Art for Game Developers June 13
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Okay, the GGDA added the word perfect to the title, just for the alliteration. I hope to show how pixel art can be better, teach skills and techniques that are very obscure and almost lost nowadays, and also show how knowing it helps with many other art subjects and styles.
My name is James Mitchell Weisbecker. I'm a pixel artist who has been learning and creating for 20 years, doing it professionally the past 2-ish years. I started by trying to make sprite comics like Bob and George (a comic using megaman sprites which nobody will remember). I now incorporate many other skills, such as illustration, 3D, and animation. I am a firm believer that learning to do multiple things will benefit any artist. I am also quite obsessed with detail-oriented work, the work from old shmups being a personal favorite, as well as anything mechanical (especially robots). I can create just about any subject matter, and can switch styles as the job or project needs, which is also an important thing to know how to do.