Resolved: Make Better Games Jan. 8
Making a New Year's resolution to improve your game development? Planning to take part in the game jam at the end of January? Join us for "Resolved: Make Better Games" as we stream a variety of presentations on specific skills to aid both new and experienced game developers.
All times EST
Noon Intro to Unity with Zane Everett
12:30 pm Intro to Unreal with Victoria Lyons
1 pm How (and Why) to Livestream Your Game with Karen Williams
1:30 pm Intro to Voice Acting (Finding & Developing Character Voices) with Ian O’Donnell
2 pm Intro to Playtesting with Ron Jones
2:30 pm 12 Principles of Animation (from SIEGE)
3 pm Intro to Toon Boom (from SIEGE)
3:30 pm SpaceTeam gaming, networking and team building
4 pm Keynote: Game Developer Mental Health with psychologist and game developer Silja Litvin
Intro to Unity with Zane Everett, Unity Certified Instructor
Unity maybe the most popular free game engine in existence. It allows 3D and 2D game dev, and was developed to allow people with almost no knowledge of computer programming to make games. However, is it right for your next product? Join us as we discuss what Unity does and doesn't do, as well as some of the reasons it has become so popular with game devs.
Intro to Unreal with Victoria Lyons, technical artist and Unreal instructor
Unreal maybe the most powerful free game engine in existence. You can do a lot with it, and not pay royalties until you have made a million dollars. However, is it right for your next product. Join us as we discuss what Unreal does and doesn't do, as well as some of the reasons it has become popular outside of game dev as well.
How (and Why) to Livestream Your Game with Karen Williams, Hiccup Interactive
We think of game livestreaming as something done to promote your game once it has launched, but there are plenty of reasons to stream it during development. You can use it for playtesting, to get early feedback, or just to help yourself stick to a development schedule. Join us for a look at both why and how to stream your game.
Intro to Voice Acting with Ian O’Donnell
Join us for a fun session exploring the process of finding & creating character voices for video games & animation!
• Concepts used in creating character voices and personalities
• Insight into the voice & character creation process
• Principles for performing and sustaining a character’s voice
• And last, but not least, we’ll wrap up with a chance to try out some voices. We’ll be looking for a few volunteers…! :)
This is an exciting and educational session, suitable for game designers and others who work with or cast voiceover talent, or for anyone who’s been curious about the fun & exciting field of voice acting.
Intro to Playtesting with Ron Jones, Tripwire & the IndieCluster
Playtesting is one of the most important parts of the game dev process, but it usually gets the least attention in school and other training programs. Everyone needs to test their own work, and good playtesters are invaluable. Join us for a look at the skills that lead to good testing, as well as some tips on how to effectively test indie games.
12 Principles of Animation with Sandee Chamberlain, Kennesaw State University
The 12 principles, as developed by Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston, act as a solid foundation in game design. Join us for a brief introduction to the history of traditional 2D animation and learn how the 12 principles of animation are essential to believable movement in game play and world building. Participants will learn fun exercises they can try at home to get their foundational study started in 2D animation – exercises that are both tactile and digital
Introduction to Toon Boom with Sandee Chamberlain, Kennesaw State University
Learn how to use the 12 principles of animation with Toon Boom, one of the most popular animation and storyboarding tools.
The GGDA Discord will also be open for you to talk with our presenters or start forming your game jam teams.
When: noon-6 pm EST, Saturday, Jan. 8
How Much: Free!