Southern Interactive Entertainment and Game Expo 2014

Oct 2, 2014 Oct 5, 2014
3:30 PM
4:30 PM



Southern Interactive Entertainment and Game Expo 2014


Join us at the 8th annual Southern Interactive Entertainment and Game Expo (SIEGE) hosted by the Georgia Game Developers Association (GGDA). Scheduled for Oct. 2 - 5, 2014 at the Atlanta Marriott NW - Atlanta, GA, SIEGE focuses on the fast-growing video game industry in the southeast. This year's SIEGE includes a College Fair, Games for Health Day, and Investment Conference, as well as the main SIEGE conference.


As the South's leading gaming and interactive conference, SIEGE brings together professionals, academics, executives, government officials and more from across the region to celebrate the world of gaming. SIEGE's speakers include leading figures from a wide spectrum of the industry, including artists, programmers, designers, writers, teachers and business executives. Special events include keynote speeches, dynamic panels, a mini-incubator, parties, networking events, and a student fair for high school students and others looking for colleges.